The construction industry is dynamic. It is powering up to deliver structures of the scale and complexity beyond our imagination just a few decades ago. This demands solutions for structures to remain strong, stable and safe over time.

Our task is to address the challenges of construct-ability in view of aspiring and ambitious development in the built environment, tailoring each of our designs and plans to suit the identified conditions and constraints, as well as developing the best possible outcome.

Structural Design
Structural Engineering

Our structural designs are generated with due consideration given to cost, materials and supplies, manpower, regulations and logistics, among others. All structural concepts and drawings are reviewed by SNA’s panel of directors and senior engineers before submission to the authorities for approval. Our structural design of load bearings/shear walls is recognised for being high in quality, constructability and cost-efficiency.

Site Supervision
Structural Engineering

We undertake to supervise the building of infrastructures, sub-structures and superstructures, to solve problems and to verify contractor’s claims. Widely respected for our capabilities in structural engineering, we ensure that work carried out by the contractors on site adheres to the construction drawings and conform to contract specification.

Site Testing
Structural Engineering

Site testing is an integral part of our structural engineering services to ensure that construction proceeds according to the contract specification. Our service includes periodical checking with various types of field equipment for quality control tests on site to ascertain that materials as per specification are used throughout the entire construction.

Independent Check
Structural Engineering

We are also commissioned by our clients to evaluate, analyse and review the design of any structural works by another party, and carry out independent calculations to determine the adequacy of the structural elements. The scope of work covers areas as stipulated by the guidelines of the Ministry of Housing. Reports compiled are submitted with a declaration of our findings.